Ferrous scrap metal per tonne
At an impressive £.08 per kilo, cast iron and steel are selling well, while copper remains at £4.20 per kilo.
Scrap metal prices by month
Stainless steel is £0.70 per kilo. Aluminium is priced at £0.60 per kilo.
If you’re thinking of selling your car for scrap in Plymouth, we have made the process as quick, efficient, and as profitable as possible. Read our guide to selling a car for scrap in Plymouth, and also get:
As the largest port city in the south of England, Plymouth has a rich maritime history and a population of over 630,000. There are many different reasons why drivers are choosing to sell their cars for scrap in Plymouth, so we’ve compiled the top 10 of those reasons. Here’s what you need to know.
Although Plymouth has some of the lowest car insurance prices in the UK, with the average driver paying as little as £170 a year, there are other costs that limit the budget. Car parking charges and random parking fines are very common, and getting a surprise £70 parking ticket in the post can ruin your day. So even though the cost of living in Plymouth is relatively low, there are always vehicle costs that can break the bank. That’s why more and more drivers are avoiding the high cost of keeping their vehicles and selling their cars to scrap metal dealers in Plymouth. They are then using that money to pay for alternative means of transport that don’t leave them vulnerable to unexpected bills and high payouts for a car they’ve already paid over the odds for. If you’re spending too much money on your car, it might be time to think about how you could be using the money you get from Scrapi.com
72% of households in Plymouth have a car, but only 22% of those households use their car to get to work every day. That means a lot of cars are owned in the city that don’t get used on a regular basis. When a car is left undriven for a long time, it depreciates in value, and the slow degrading of the car means that it becomes more dangerous to drive. Sometimes, an emergency happens and you need your car, only to find that the battery has drained and it won’t even start. Of course, you can always declare a car as SORN if you know you’re not going to be using it for a while, but selling a SORNed car has traditionally been very difficult. Now, with our free car collection, you can get rid of the old car you’re not using and get cash for scrap cars in Plymouth, even if you have declared it as SORN.
If you needed confirmation that it’s incredibly easy to live without a car at all in Plymouth, the 28% of households that don’t have access to a vehicle of any kind would like to have a word! There are plenty of travel options in the city, from the Waterlinks that are great for a day out to some of the city’s best sights to the clean and efficient Plymouth Citybus service, it’s remarkably easy to get to where you need to go without having your own personal transport. All of the buses can be caught from the Royal Parade, and the service is regular enough to not mean long waits. With such stellar public transport links, it’s becoming increasingly common to see local households get cash for scrap cars in Plymouth, and using the money to get travel passes on public transport instead. When you can save money and still get where you need to be quickly and easily, this is one of the top reasons why Plymouth residents are selling their cars for top scrap metal prices.
The MOT failure rate in Plymouth is one of the highest in the UK, with as many as 43% of all cars in the city that go for their MOT failing. Most of those failures are because of lamp and reflector issues, but electrics, suspension, and brakes also lead to MOT failure consistently. It’s particularly frustrating for local drivers because Plymouth is one of the most expensive places in the country to buy a second-hand car. That means drivers in the city are paying more for their cars, then watching them fail an MOT. This results in paying even more to have repairs made and then paying for yet another MOT. We have countless numbers of frustrated Plymouth drivers asking if they can save themselves some money and sell a car without MOT in Plymouth. They are then using the money they get from their old car to buy something a little more reliable.
Money is tight for a lot of people living in Plymouth. The city might not want the title of being the debt capital of the UK, but it does have the largest number of insolvent residents than any other town or city in the country. Problem debt is a very real issue affecting many locals, and that’s not helped by having some of the lowest weekly wages in the south-west. Of course, when you’re counting every penny, it can be hard to cope when a bill is higher than expected, or when you weren’t expecting a bill at all. Rather than heading to dangerous payday loans, more households in Plymouth are looking at their old cars and realising that they can get paid for them. When money is especially tight, it’s a quick and simple process to get cash for scrap cars in Plymouth, and the money is sent straight to your bank account.
From the high MOT failure rate to the high cost of used cars in Plymouth, it’s not a surprise to find that there are a lot of dangerous cars on the roads of the coastal city. When money is as tight as it is for so many Plymouth residents, it’s no wonder that so many have to postpone essential vehicle repairs. That means that their cars remain used even though they are a risk. Worn tyres are expensive to replace, brakes and suspension issues even more so. The problem is that every time that you take to the roads in a dangerous car you’re making it more likely that you’ll have an accident. Aside from the other concerns, that accident will also end up costing you even more money. That’s why we are seeing large numbers of local motorists selling their dangerous cars to scrap dealers in Plymouth and using the money to buy a safer car.
Due to the high number of older cars on the roads of the city, Plymouth drivers can always expect to pay more than they want on maintaining their second-hand vehicles. When those motorists are already paying over the odds on their used cars, it’s inevitably going to be frustrating when they have to keep on spending after a vehicle purchase. Of course, all cars need work as they get older, but when you’re consistently paying out for replacement parts, those costs can very quickly spiral out of control. If your catalytic converter is on the way out, or the water pump replacement part is going to cost you more than £500, then it’s often worth getting cash for scrap cars in Plymouth instead. Plymouth drivers are choosing to make some money instead of spending it, and using that cash boost to invest in a car that takes a little less money to keep on the road.
With so many older cars on the roads of the city, it’s at least a little satisfying to know that Plymouth is ranked 6th in their country for its good fuel prices. Of course, it’s not that satisfying to be paying less than so many other cities, but still having to spend more anyway because your car guzzles petrol. Fuel-inefficiency can become very expensive, and the costs don’t peak, they just keep getting higher every time that you fill-up. Not only that, but the air pollution of those cars gets worse and worse as well. It’s never going to be fun to have to spend so much every time you want to fuel up, which is why it’s becoming so common to see locals selling their old gas-guzzlers to scrap metal dealers in Plymouth so that they can put the money towards either a more fuel-efficient vehicle, or for making the leap to an electric car.
As well as the 630,000 locals, there are an additional 4,965,000 visitors every year in the city. Even without that influx of tourists, the roads of Plymouth can be a very frustrating experience. Too many roundabouts, ever-changing speed limits, and the four-looped junction at Crownhill are all regularly complained about by locals, as are the often too narrow roads. There’s no avoiding the fact that the roads in Plymouth are pretty terrible, and that means a high number of accidents every year in the city. When you’re involved in a car accident that’s left your car too expensive to repair, it used to be very difficult to get rid of it, and making money for it was considered impossible. That’s all changed; now we not only pay you for damaged cars in Plymouth, but we also come and collect it for free. Even if you’ve lost your car keys, we can make sure that you get your immediate payment.
It’s not hard to understand why vehicle part-exchange is so common in Plymouth. When the city is the most expensive in the UK for buying a used car, local drivers obviously want to knock those prices down as much as possible. The problem is that using your old car as part payment for a new car usually leaves you out of pocket. You’re never quite sure what your old car is going to be worth to the person selling you your new car, and that puts all of the power in their hands. When you know exactly what your budget is and you have access to immediate cash, you can haggle to your heart’s content until you get the deal you want. Avoiding part-exchanges and getting cash for scrap cars in Plymouth means knowing exactly what your car is worth, watching it get collected for free, and being able to work out your budget far more easily.
With the main industry in Plymouth being the manufacturing sector, there is a high demand for scrap metals. That means strong scrap metal prices in Plymouth for your old car.
At an impressive £.08 per kilo, cast iron and steel are selling well, while copper remains at £4.20 per kilo.
Stainless steel is £0.70 per kilo. Aluminium is priced at £0.60 per kilo.
If you think that you can’t sell a car in Plymouth to one of our professional scrap yards, there’s a good chance that you’re mistaken. Motorists can quickly and easily use scrap yards in Plymouth and make some real money from their old, unwanted vehicles.
There are some good quality nights out in Plymouth, but that leads to drunken behaviour that can affect your car. Vandalism such as smashed windows or stolen wing mirrors are common, and that damage can be expensive to repair. We have helped hundreds of local drivers get rid of their damaged cars, and with our free car collection, you don’t even have to worry about whether the vehicle starts or not. So even if your car has been SORNed, you don’t have to break the law by driving it to one of our Authorised Treatment Facilities.
The incredibly high number of cars that fail their MOT in Plymouth sometimes puts people off buying a car altogether! If you own a car that’s recently failed its MOT and you either resent paying more on repairs, or you simply can’t justify the expense, you no longer have to panic.
It’s easier than you think to sell a car without an MOT in Plymouth, and it’s the perfect solution for making money rather than spending it. So if your car has failed an MOT, whether it’s for the first time or the 20th, all you have to do is get your instant quote, arrange a collection time, and let us do the rest.
It’s common to lose track of paperwork for your car, and even more so if your vehicle has been broken into or been involved in a collision. Of course, whenever you sell a car, you need to prove that it’s yours. Usually, this means producing your logbook, but if that’s been lost, it’s not the barrier to a sale that you might think. That’s because we can do all of your paperwork for you, and liaise with the DVLA to get any replacement V5c that might be needed. If you’re unsure about what to do if you’ve lost your car keys and want to scrap your car in Plymouth, you might be surprised by how easy we’ve made the process from start to finish. Whatever reason you think is preventing you from selling your car to scrap yards in Plymouth, there is always a solution. We have spent years helping local drivers get cash for scrap cars in Plymouth, and we can help you too.
Our free collection service is one of the reasons why Plymouth motorists come back again and again. We want you to have the maximum convenience when you sell a scrap car in Plymouth.
Our free vehicle collection can’t be beaten. You don’t have to wait in all day and reschedule your life just to scrap a car in Plymouth. When you get your instant quote, all you have to do is set your collection time and date, confirm it on the day, and we do everything else. We even do all of your official paperwork, so you’re not just getting top prices for your old car, you’re also getting the hassle-free service that we’re known for. Even if you can’t be there to meet our transport team, you simply have to make sure someone is there with the right documents.
We guide you through the process, and even if you need to make a date change, we have made free car collection in Plymouth easier than ever.
Your car doesn’t have to be on a public road, despite what you may have been told by unprofessional scrap yards. The only criteria is that your car is both accessible to our recovery vehicles and parked on stable ground. So, you might ask, “does my car have to be at my home address?” No, it doesn't. We know that cars can break down anywhere. When you get your instant quote, just let us know where your car is parked and we do the rest.
Choosing to scrap your car has never been easier with our 3 step free collection service.
Plymouth is a historic naval city with a heritage and a waterfront that are world-renowned. The price that you will get for your car will reflect the high number of manufacturing companies based in and around the city.
12% of the jobs in Plymouth are in the manufacturing sector, with around 7,200 of those jobs in marine manufacturing. As a result, there is a lot of demand for raw materials, and that’s reflected in the high price of scrap metal in Plymouth. There is a high density of scrap yards in the city for this reason, and the fact that 9.2% of all of England’s marine industry is accounted for by Plymouth companies, means that demand is not going anywhere. While other cities in the UK will sometimes see dramatic fluctuations in their scrap metal prices, Plymouth remains consistently high all year round. As with any sale of scrap metal, the price that you get from your old car will depend on its size and weight.
The heavier the car, the more it’s worth.
If you want to find out more about how much your car is worth, then all you have to do is use our quote page to give us some info about the car you want to get rid of. That quote will give you a good idea of your car’s value, and the more info we have the more accurate your quote. One of the reasons why the Scrapi.com network of scrap yards in Plymouth is so popular is because we stick to our quotes, and our pricing is as transparent as possible throughout the process. That means there are never any last-minute negotiations over price and no hidden fees that end up with you getting less cash for your car.
The price you receive will be dependent on the size and weight of the car, so it doesn’t matter how damaged your car is. We pay based on how much metal there is.
It’s not just the high car scrap prices in Plymouth and our hassle-free service that makes us so popular in the city. All of our partners prioritise recycling, and that means some additional benefits that you might not have thought about.
Plymouth is a big city by area, and 40% of that area is green space. It’s one of the greenest cities in the whole of the UK and benefits a lot by sitting on the edge of Dartmoor National Park and the Tamar Valley, which is an official Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Plymouth is home to a European Marine Site and a Marine Conservation Zone too, so it’s clear that the environment plays a big part in the daily lives of local residents. When you recycle a car in Plymouth, you are adding to the already high levels of recycling in the city. Currently, the city recycles 32% of all of its waste, and that means less reliance on landfills. If you use a scrap yard in Plymouth that doesn’t recycle your old car, then you’re never quite sure what they’re going to do with it. Often your car will just be sent to a landfill, where it will continue to create harmful emissions for years to come.
With almost 1,440 hectares of green space, ten local nature reserves, nine sites of special scientific interest, 40 wildflower meadows, and 28 County Wildlife Sites, there is a high level of biodiversity in Plymouth. The animals and plants that add so much to the quality of life for local residents is being protected in multiple ways, but recycling is something that everyone can do. Using landfill sites so close to a coastline means that any pollutants can harm a lot more than the soil. From the frogs and butterflies that are so prolific to the occasional sighting of a basking shark off the coast, there are a huge range of species that need to be kept safe from the harmful effects of city life. By selling your old car to professional car recyclers in Plymouth, you are helping to keep all manner of animal species and plant life safe from harm, and that can only be good news for the city.
The number of businesses based in Plymouth is steadily growing, thanks largely to its unique location and the low cost of business property rental. That means the city has a very strong and growing industrial base, and the research facilities and established infrastructure make it easy to see why the need for a continuous supply of materials is so important. When companies have access to the materials that they need, they don’t have to panic buy those materials or pay for higher costs of shipping and mining. We are all being more aware of the needs of the environment, and by making greater use of the finite resources that remain in high demand in the city, it’s no wonder that more people than ever are selling their old car to the Authorised Treatment Facilities that prioritise car recycling in Plymouth. Car recycling is not just good for you and your city. It’s also good for the planet.
As the business sector that dominates the Plymouth working landscape, manufacturing companies require a lot of materials. While that explains the high car scrap prices in the city, what’s often overlooked is how much car recycling benefits the economy. When companies in any sector can access locally sourced materials they don’t have to rely on expensive mining and shipping. That means lower costs, faster business growth, and the potential to create even more job opportunities. All of the breakers yards that make up our national network are Authorised Treatment Facilities, so they focus on recycling as much of your scrap car in Plymouth as possible. This makes it much easier for those local companies to get the raw materials they need, boosting their profits and improving the economy of the city.
There is an exceptionally high density of scrap yards in Plymouth, largely because the prices of scrap metal in the city are so high. Unfortunately, not all of those scrap yards will offer you the professional, premium service that you deserve.
When you use a salvage yard in Plymouth that we have partnered with, you know that you’re not just getting the best scrap metal prices in the city. You’re also getting the convenient and professional service that we are renowned for, and the knowledge that you are helping Plymouth become more sustainable while boosting the local economy. We have spent many years building the right network of scrap yards in Plymouth, and every site that we partner with is an Authorised Treatment Facility. That means that they are all officially recognised by the Environment Agency, and will prioritise the responsible disposal of scrap materials. However, not all of the scrap yards in the city have that same level of professionalism. We have helped hundreds of local motorists who have received bad advice about the value of their car and the legalities of driving it.
Remember, if your car has been SORNed or it’s failed an MOT, then you can’t drive it on the road. With free car collection and immediate payments, we make sure that you get rid of your old car while staying on the right side of the law.
Get your instant quote today, arrange your collection time, and get paid. It really is that simple, and because we want you to be happy, we don’t have any hidden fees that result in you getting less than expected. It’s important to note that the Scrap Metal Dealers Act of 2013 means that it’s illegal to get paid cash-in-hand for your car, so it’s essential that you avoid any dodgy car dealers who offer to pay you in cash. We make sure that your payment is a quick bank transfer that means you can get your money and use it however you want.